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AccessDeniedException - Exception in org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions
AccessDeniedException() - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
addChild(LockedObject) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
adds a new child lock to this lock
addLockedObjectOwner(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
adds a new owner to a lock
addSafeCharacter(char) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.URLEncoder


begin(Principal) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
begin(Principal) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Indicates that a new request or transaction with this store involved has been started.
BUF_SIZE - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
size of the io-buffer


checkAuthentication(Transaction) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
checkAuthentication(Transaction) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Checks if authentication information passed in is valid.
checkLocks(boolean, int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
checks if a lock of the given exclusivity can be placed, only considering children up to "depth"
checkLocks(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, IResourceLocks, String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Checks if locks on resources at the given path exists and if so checks the If-Header to make sure the If-Header corresponds to the locked resource.
checkTimeouts(Transaction, boolean) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Deletes LockedObjects, where timeout has reached.
checkTimeouts(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
CLOSING - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Closing tag.
commit(Transaction) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
commit(Transaction) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Indicates that all changes done inside this request shall be made permanent and any transactions, connections and other temporary resources shall be terminated.
constructStore(String, File) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
copyResource(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.DoCopy
Copy a resource.
createFolder(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
createFolder(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Creates a folder at the position specified by folderUri.
createResource(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
createResource(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Creates a content resource at the position specified by resourceUri.
CREATION_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Simple date format for the creation date ISO 8601 representation (partial).
creationDateFormat(Date) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method


DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Default lock timeout value.
deleteResource(Transaction, String, Map<String, Integer>, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoDelete
deletes the recources at "path"
destroy() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
destroy() - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Life cycle method, called by WebdavServlet's destroy() method.
destroy() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
DeterminableMethod - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DeterminableMethod() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DeterminableMethod
determineMethodsAllowed(StoredObject) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DeterminableMethod
Determines the methods normally allowed for the resource.
doBody(Transaction, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
doBody(Transaction, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoHead
DoCopy - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.copy
DoCopy(WebdavStore, ResourceLocks, DoDelete, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.DoCopy
DoDelete - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoDelete(WebdavStore, ResourceLocks, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoDelete
DoGet - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoGet(WebdavStore, String, String, ResourceLocks, MimeTyper, int) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
DoHead - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoHead(WebdavStore, String, String, ResourceLocks, MimeTyper, int) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoHead
DoLock - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
DoLock(WebdavStore, IResourceLocks, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.DoLock
DoMkcol - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoMkcol(WebdavStore, IResourceLocks, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoMkcol
DoMove - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoMove(ResourceLocks, DoDelete, DoCopy, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoMove
DoNotImplemented - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoNotImplemented() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoNotImplemented
DoOptions - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoOptions(WebdavStore, ResourceLocks) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoOptions
DoPropfind - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.prop
DoPropfind(WebdavStore, ResourceLocks, MimeTyper) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.prop.DoPropfind
DoProppatch - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.prop
DoProppatch(WebdavStore, ResourceLocks, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.prop.DoProppatch
DoPut - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
DoPut(WebdavStore, IResourceLocks, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoPut
DoUnlock - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
DoUnlock(WebdavStore, IResourceLocks, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.DoUnlock


encode(CharSequence) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.URLEncoder
encodeCookie(Cookie) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Encode a cookie as per RFC 2109.
exclusiveLock(Transaction, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Tries to lock the resource at "path" exclusively.
exclusiveLock(Transaction, String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.DoCopy
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.DoLock
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.DoUnlock
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.MethodExecutor
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoDelete
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoHead
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoMkcol
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoMove
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoNotImplemented
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoOptions
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoPut
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.prop.DoPropfind
execute(Transaction, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.prop.DoProppatch


filter(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Filter the specified message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML.
findSubElement(Node, String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.prop.XMLHelper
folderBody(Transaction, String, HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
folderBody(Transaction, String, HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoHead


getChildren() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
children of that lock
getChildrenNames(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
getChildrenNames(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Gets the names of the children of the folder specified by folderUri.
getCleanPath(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
removes a / at the end of the path string, if present
getCleanupCounter() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getCreationDate() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Gets the date of the creation
getCSS() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
Return the CSS styles used to display the HTML representation of the webdav content.
getDateTimeFormat(Locale) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
Return this as the Date/Time format for displaying Creation + Modification dates
getDepth(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
reads the depth header from the request and returns it as a int
getDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Return JAXP document builder instance.
getETag(StoredObject) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Get the ETag associated with a file.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Describing the timeout of a locked object (ms)
getFooter(Transaction, String, HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
Return the footer to be displayed after the folder content
getHeader(Transaction, String, HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.DoGet
Return the header to be displayed in front of the folder content
getID() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Gets the LockID (locktoken) for the LockedObject
getLastModified() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Gets the date of the last modification
getLocalDateFormat(Date, Locale) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
getLockDepth() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Describing the depth of a locked collection.
getLockedObjectByID(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Gets the LockedObject corresponding to specified id.
getLockedObjectByID(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getLockedObjectByPath(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Gets the LockedObject on specified path.
getLockedObjectByPath(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getLockIdFromIfHeader(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
getLockIdFromLockTokenHeader(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
getLocks() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
keys: path value: LockedObject from that path
getLocksByID() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
keys: id value: LockedObject from that id
getMimeType() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Retrieve the myme type from the store object.
getMimeType(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.MimeTyper
Detect the mime type of this object
getOwner() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
owner of the lock.
getParent() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
getParentPath(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
creates the parent path from the given path by removing the last '/' and everything after that
getPath() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Gets the path for the LockedObject
getPrincipal() - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.Transaction
getPropertiesFromXML(Node) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.prop.XMLHelper
getRelativePath(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Return the relative path associated with this servlet.
getResourceContent(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
getResourceContent(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Gets the content of the resource specified by resourceUri.
getResourceLength() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Gets the length of the resource content
getResourceLength(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
getResourceLength(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Gets the length of the content resource specified by resourceUri.
getRoot() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getStatusText(int) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavStatus
Returns the HTTP status text for the HTTP or WebDav status code specified by looking it up in the static mapping.
getStoredObject(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
getStoredObject(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Gets the storedObject specified by uri
getTempLockedObjectByID(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Gets the LockedObject corresponding to specified id (locktoken).
getTempLockedObjectByID(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getTempLockedObjectByPath(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Gets the LockedObject on specified path.
getTempLockedObjectByPath(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getTempLocks() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
keys: path value: Temporary LockedObject from that path
getTempLocksByID() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
keys: id value: Temporary LockedObject from that id
getTempRoot() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Gets the timeout for the LockedObject
getType() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
weather the lock is a write or read lock Gets the type of the lock
getUserPrincipal(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
Method that permit to customize the way user information are extracted from the request, default use JAAS


hasExpired() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Return true if the lock has expired.


INFINITY - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Default depth is infite.
init() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
init(WebdavStore, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
IResourceLocks - Interface in org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
isExclusive() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
weather the lock is exclusive or not.
isFolder() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Determines whether the StoredObject is a folder or a resource
isNullResource() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Gets the state of the resource
isResource() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Determines whether the StoredObject is a folder or a resource
isShared() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Gets the exclusivity for the LockedObject


LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Simple date format for the last modified date.
lastModifiedDateFormat(Date) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
LocalFileSystemStore - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.store
Reference Implementation of WebdavStore
LocalFileSystemStore(File) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
lock(Transaction, String, String, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Tries to lock the resource at "path".
lock(Transaction, String, String, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
LockedObject - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
a helper class for ResourceLocks, represents the Locks
LockedObject(ResourceLocks, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
LockFailedException - Exception in org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
LockFailedException() - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockFailedException
LockFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockFailedException
LockFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockFailedException
LockFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockFailedException


MAX_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Maximum lock timeout.
Method - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
Method() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
MethodExecutor - Interface in org.drjekyll.webdav
MimeTyper - Interface in org.drjekyll.webdav


NO_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Element with no content.
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.DoCopy
Return a context-relative path, beginning with a "/", that represents the canonical version of the specified path after ".." and "." elements are resolved out.
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Normalize a relative URI path that may have relative values ("/./", "/../", and so on ) it it.


ObjectAlreadyExistsException - Exception in org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions
ObjectAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException
ObjectAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException
ObjectAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException
ObjectAlreadyExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExistsException
ObjectNotFoundException - Exception in org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions
ObjectNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException
ObjectNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException
ObjectNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException
ObjectNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException
OPENING - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Opening tag.
org.drjekyll.webdav - package org.drjekyll.webdav
org.drjekyll.webdav.copy - package org.drjekyll.webdav.copy
org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions - package org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions
org.drjekyll.webdav.locking - package org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
org.drjekyll.webdav.methods - package org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
org.drjekyll.webdav.prop - package org.drjekyll.webdav.prop
org.drjekyll.webdav.store - package org.drjekyll.webdav.store


parseCharacterEncoding(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Parse the character encoding from the specified content type header.
parseCookieHeader(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Parse a cookie header into an array of cookies according to RFC 2109.
parseParameters(Map<String, String[]>, byte[], String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Append request parameters from the specified String to the specified Map.
parseParameters(Map<String, String[]>, String, String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Append request parameters from the specified String to the specified Map.


refreshTimeout(int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Sets a new timeout for the LockedObject
register(String, MethodExecutor) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
removeLockedObject() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
deletes this Lock object.
removeLockedObjectOwner(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
tries to remove the owner from the lock
removeObject(Transaction, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
removeObject(Transaction, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Removes the object specified by uri.
removeTempLockedObject() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
deletes this Lock object.
RequestUtil - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.copy
General purpose request parsing and encoding utility methods.
ResourceLocks - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.locking
simple locking management for concurrent data access, NOT the webdav locking.
ResourceLocks() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
rewriteUrl(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
URL rewriter.
rollback(Transaction) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
rollback(Transaction) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Indicates that all changes done inside this request shall be undone and any transactions, connections and other temporary resources shall be terminated.


SC_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavStatus
Status code (419) indicating that the resource does not have sufficient space to record the state of the resource after the execution of this method.
SC_LOCKED - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavStatus
Status code (423) indicating the destination resource of a method is locked, and either the request did not contain a valid Lock-Info header, or the Lock-Info header identifies a lock held by another principal.
SC_METHOD_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavStatus
Status code (420) indicating the method was not executed on a particular resource within its scope because some part of the method's execution failed causing the entire method to be aborted.
SC_MULTI_STATUS - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavStatus
Status code (207) indicating that the response requires providing status for multiple independent operations.
SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavStatus
Status code (418) indicating the entity body submitted with the PATCH method was not understood by the resource.
sendData() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Send data and reinitializes buffer.
sendReport(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Send a multistatus element containing a complete error report to the client.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
Handles the special WebDAV methods.
setChildren(LockedObject[]) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
setCleanupCounter(int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Sets the date of the creation
setExclusive(boolean) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
Sets the exclusivity for the LockedObject
setExpiresAt(long) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
setFolder(boolean) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Sets a new StoredObject as a collection or resource
setLastModified(Date) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Sets the date of the last modification
setLockDepth(int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
setMimeType(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Set the mime type of this object
setNullResource(boolean) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Sets a StoredObject as a lock-null resource
setOwner(String[]) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
setParent(LockedObject) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
setResourceContent(Transaction, String, InputStream, String, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.LocalFileSystemStore
setResourceContent(Transaction, String, InputStream, String, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.store.WebdavStore
Sets / stores the content of the resource specified by resourceUri.
setResourceLength(long) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject
Sets the length of the resource content
setType(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.LockedObject
sharedLock(Transaction, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Tries to lock the resource at "path" shared.
sharedLock(Transaction, String, String, int, int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
StoredObject - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.store
StoredObject() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.store.StoredObject


TEMP_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Timeout for temporary locks
TEMPORARY - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Boolean value to temporary lock resources (for method locks)
toString() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Retrieve generated XML.
Transaction - Interface in org.drjekyll.webdav


UnauthenticatedException - Exception in org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions
UnauthenticatedException() - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.UnauthenticatedException
UnauthenticatedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.UnauthenticatedException
UnauthenticatedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.UnauthenticatedException
UnauthenticatedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.UnauthenticatedException
unlock(Transaction, String, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Unlocks all resources at "path" (and all subfolders if existing)
unlock(Transaction, String, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
unlockTemporaryLockedObjects(Transaction, String, String) - Method in interface org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.IResourceLocks
Unlocks all resources at "path" (and all subfolders if existing)
unlockTemporaryLockedObjects(Transaction, String, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.locking.ResourceLocks
URL_ENCODER - Static variable in class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.Method
Array containing the safe characters set.
URLDecode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Decode and return the specified URL-encoded byte array.
URLDecode(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Decode and return the specified URL-encoded byte array.
URLDecode(String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Decode and return the specified URL-encoded String.
URLDecode(String, String) - Static method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.copy.RequestUtil
Decode and return the specified URL-encoded String.
URLEncoder - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.methods
This class is very similar to the java.net.URLEncoder class.
URLEncoder() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.methods.URLEncoder


WebdavException - Exception in org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions
WebdavException() - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.WebdavException
WebdavException(String) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.WebdavException
WebdavException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.WebdavException
WebdavException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.drjekyll.webdav.exceptions.WebdavException
WebdavServlet - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav
Servlet which provides support for WebDAV level 2.
WebdavServlet() - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.WebdavServlet
WebdavStatus - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav
Wraps the HttpServletResponse class to abstract the specific protocol used.
WebdavStore - Interface in org.drjekyll.webdav.store
Interface for simple implementation of any store for the WebdavServlet
writeData(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Write data.
writeElement(String, int) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Write an element.
writeProperty(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Write property to the XML.
writeProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Write property to the XML.
writeText(String) - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Write text.
writeXMLHeader() - Method in class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
Write XML Header.


XMLHelper - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav.prop
XMLWriter - Class in org.drjekyll.webdav
XMLWriter helper class.
XMLWriter(Writer, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
XMLWriter(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.drjekyll.webdav.XMLWriter
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