Interface WebdavStore

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface WebdavStore
    Interface for simple implementation of any store for the WebdavServlet

    based on the BasicWebdavStore from Oliver Zeigermann, that was part of the Webdav Construcktion Kit from slide

    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Life cycle method, called by WebdavServlet's destroy() method. Should be used to clean up resources.
      • checkAuthentication

        void checkAuthentication​(Transaction transaction)
        Checks if authentication information passed in is valid. If not throws an exception.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
      • commit

        void commit​(Transaction transaction)
        Indicates that all changes done inside this request shall be made permanent and any transactions, connections and other temporary resources shall be terminated.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • rollback

        void rollback​(Transaction transaction)
        Indicates that all changes done inside this request shall be undone and any transactions, connections and other temporary resources shall be terminated.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • createFolder

        void createFolder​(Transaction transaction,
                          String folderUri)
        Creates a folder at the position specified by folderUri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        folderUri - URI of the folder
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • createResource

        void createResource​(Transaction transaction,
                            String resourceUri)
        Creates a content resource at the position specified by resourceUri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        resourceUri - URI of the content resource
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • getResourceContent

        InputStream getResourceContent​(Transaction transaction,
                                       String resourceUri)
        Gets the content of the resource specified by resourceUri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        resourceUri - URI of the content resource
        input stream you can read the content of the resource from
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • setResourceContent

        long setResourceContent​(Transaction transaction,
                                String resourceUri,
                                InputStream content,
                                String contentType,
                                String characterEncoding)
        Sets / stores the content of the resource specified by resourceUri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        resourceUri - URI of the resource where the content will be stored
        content - input stream from which the content will be read from
        contentType - content type of the resource or null if unknown
        characterEncoding - character encoding of the resource or null if unknown or not applicable
        lenght of resource
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • getChildrenNames

        String[] getChildrenNames​(Transaction transaction,
                                  String folderUri)
        Gets the names of the children of the folder specified by folderUri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        folderUri - URI of the folder
        a (possibly empty) list of children, or null if the uri points to a file
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • getResourceLength

        long getResourceLength​(Transaction transaction,
                               String path)
        Gets the length of the content resource specified by resourceUri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        path - URI of the content resource
        length of the resource in bytes, -1 declares this value as invalid and asks the adapter to try to set it from the properties if possible
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • removeObject

        void removeObject​(Transaction transaction,
                          String uri)
        Removes the object specified by uri.
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        uri - URI of the object, i.e. content resource or folder
        WebdavException - if something goes wrong on the store level
      • getStoredObject

        StoredObject getStoredObject​(Transaction transaction,
                                     String uri)
        Gets the storedObject specified by uri
        transaction - indicates that the method is within the scope of a WebDAV transaction
        uri - URI